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Original antennas made in the US, by us, for the greater World

Price: $354.25

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    Portable UHF SATCOM Short Dipole Antenna Description

    Leadtime: 2 weeks ARO

    This UHF SATCOM Short Dipole Antenna was designed for applications where a simple lightweight, very rugged, compact UHF antenna is needed. This product can mount directly onto the connector of a radio set, strapped to equipment, or embedded into non-metallic structures (for advice on embedding or permanent integration into equipment, contact us). Three connector versions are offered to accommodate the various portable radios existing in the field: N, BNC (PRC-117 connector) and TNC (PRC-148 or MBTR connector). Alternatively, you may strap the UL-3001-340S to your backpack (as far away from your body, minimizing the SAR* for your safety, and any metallic surfaces as practicable). Velcro type straps, such as our ACC-00010, allow for quick deployment and stow. The two Revisions of the UL-3001-340S antenna differ by their bandwidth. Revision A is the latest implementation, which was broadbanded to accommodate both legacy and new waveform MUOS payloads.

    This antenna provides a DC short circuit to help protect radio electronics connected to it from electrostatic discharge (Rev A also isolates the center pin from the DC shunted ESD currents). At its UHF passband of 243-320 MHz, the nominal impedance is 50 ohm, with a maximum VSWR of 3.

    * SAR = Specific Absorption Rate, which refers to the amount of emitted radio energy absorbed by human tissue near an antenna

    UL-3001-340S Short Dipole Technical Specifications

    • Frequency range: 243-318 MHz DAMA+IW, Revision NR / 243-320 MHz + 360-380 MHz RX, MUOS Revision A
    • Coverage: Omni-directional, low azimuthal ripple (1 dB)
    • Polarization: Linear, Vertical
    • Peak Gain: +1 dBil
    • Nominal Impedance: 50 ohm (RF), Short Circuit (DC)
    • Input Power: 50 Watts CW
    • VSWR: better than 3.0 over 90% of band
    • Connector: N, Male (or select from drop-down menu above)
    • Dimensions: 3.2 cm (1.25") OD x 33 cm (13") L
    • Mounting: direct, connector
    • Operating Temperatures: -40C to +85C
    • Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
    • Shipping Weight: 0.6 kg / 1.2 lbs


    • Self-contained, does not require a ground plane
    • Specifications and prices are subject to change without notice
    Availability, specifications & prices subject to change without notice