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Original antennas made in the US, by us, for the greater World

Products 1-3 of 3
UHF Flat Panel Surveillance Antenna
Price: $2,408.20
Availability: approx. 3-4 weeks
Item #: UL-150A-B348 -

    EXPORT CONTROLS APPLICABLE Leadtime: 4 Weeks ARO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency range: 0.3-3.0 GHz Coverage: Broadside Polarization: Linear, Vertical or Horizontal, depending on mounting orientation Gain: -2 to +2 dBil Nominal Impedance: 50 ohm (RF), Open Circuit (DC) for extra bandwidth* VSWR: 3.0 Connector: SMA, Female Size: 61 cm (24") x 31 cm (12") x 1 cm (.4") NOTES: Does not require a ground plane * We can provide this antenna with a DC Short Circuit impedance to provide limited ESD...

    SHF Flat Panel Surveillance Antenna
    Price: $2,146.25
    Availability: approx. 3-4 weeks
    Item #: SL-900A-B351 -

      EXPORT CONTROLS APPLICABLELeadtime: 4 Weeks AROTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency range: 2-16 GHz Coverage: Broadside Polarization: Linear, Vertical or Horizontal, depending on mounting orientation Gain: -2 to +2 dBil Nominal Impedance: 50 ohm (RF), Open Circuit (DC) for extra bandwidth* VSWR: 3.0 GRAPH Connector: SMA, Female Size: 10 cm (4") x 10 cm (4") x 1 cm (.4") NOTES: Does not require a ground plane * We can provide this antenna with a DC Short Circuit impedance to provide limited ESD...

      CP Flat Panel Surveillance Antenna
      Price: $2,400.23
      Availability: Approx 7 days
      Item #: UC-350A-B511 -

        EXPORT CONTROLS APPLICABLE Leadtime: 4 Weeks ARO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency range: 0.7-7.0 GHz Coverage: Broadside Polarization: Circular, RHCP or LHCP, depending on mounting orientation Gain: -2 to +2 dBic Nominal Impedance: 50 ohm (RF), Short Circuit (DC)* VSWR: 3.0 GRAPH Connector: SMA, Female Size: 31 cm (12") x 31 cm (12") x 1 cm (.4") NOTES: Does not require a ground plane * We can provide this antenna with a DC Open Circuit impedance ...