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Original antennas made in the US, by us, for the greater World

Aviation band (Airband) antennas and products we offer, operating within the VHF and UHF aviation spectra (118-136 MHz and 225-400 MHz). Products include preamplifiers and filters. We may be adding Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) items for the benefit of enthusiasts by year's end.

Products and antennas listed herein are mostly for ground or vehicular use at present (airport operations).

Products 13-15 of 15
Quickly Tuneable 225-400 MHz Cavity Bandpass Filter
Price: $1,097.25
Availability: 60 days ARO
Item #: UFL-0300-673 -

    Tuneable UHF Cavity Bandpass Filter, Description This Tuneable UHF Cavity Bandpass Filter is a very sharp, narrowband, inline filter designed to enable communications where strong in-band signals exist, where a high degree of man-made noise prevents reliable communications, or where cohabitation with other transmitters is required. The UFL-0300-673 can be tuned to the intended operating frequency within frequencies spanning 225 MHz to 400 MHz (Aviation, Military UHF LOS bands). Use this filter...

    UL-1031-333, Low Power ADS-B Antenna
    Price: $51.24
    Availability: Approx 7 days
    Item #: UL-1031-333 -

      Dual-band ADS-B In Antenna Description Low Power ADS-B Antenna, Model UL-1031-333, supports dual band ADS-B In receivers in a thin and lightweight form factor. Its operation covers the entire range of 950-1150 MHz, which includes the light craft (under 18,000 ft) frequency of 978 MHz, the Mode S interrogator frequency of 1030 MHz, and the large aircraft (above 18,000 ft) ADS-B frequency of 1090 MHz. Enthusiasts may use this device, together with an ADS-B, or low-cost SDR (Software Defined...

      Tuneable VHF Cavity Bandpass Filter
      Price: $1,114.23
      Availability: 60 days ARO
      Item #: VFL-0130-672 -

        Tuneable VHF Cavity Bandpass Filter, Description This Tuneable VHF Cavity Bandpass Filter is a sharp, narrowband, inline filter designed to enable communications where strong in-band signals exist, where a high degree of man-made noise prevents reliable communications, or where cohabitation with other transmitters is required. The VFL-0130-672 can be tuned to the intended operating frequency within frequencies spanning 112 MHz to 150 MHz (Aviation and Amateur Radio VHF bands). Use this filter...